About the project:
In 2020 the stakeholders of Galaspins gave us the task to optimize and renew the whole responsible gambling area, to make it also exemplary for the other brands in the Entain-Group.
As a UI/UX Designer in this project I started with research using customer and stakeholder feedback and it lead to this conclusions:
Pain Points:
- it’s difficult for users to limit themselves temporarily (by time, deposit etc.)
- it’s impossible for users to close their accounts completely themselves (only possible by phone call)
- the whole area is not very intuitive to use
Ideas & Solutions:
The responsible gaming area must be much easier and intuitive to understand, so we determined short Headlines of each section, where to find which subject. For the interface we used tools that are already known and widespread among mobile users like tabs, on/off and plus/minus buttons.
To see how to fit all the information in a mobile screen and to make it pleasant for the user to navigate and use, I designed wireframes for mobile.
The Design including Colors, Fonts and Icons is adapted to the (former) Galaspins design, for other brands inside the Entain-Group it can be adapted.
Clickable Prototype: https://xd.adobe.com/view/2855ef52-e234-4b4a-ab04-8bfeba3cb49f-7d06/